I’ll help you put your best foot forward

As a skilled and knowledgeable editor/proofreader, I can help improve any written content.

I’ve worked on websites, academic articles, a Romantasy novel, and on social media content for small business owners.

My Services

  • Are you an author working on a novel? Reach out to me at any stage for assistance! I can help you build your story or provide a final proofread. Rates start at $30/hour

  • I’ll be your editor for all of your Instagram content.
    Just wrote a caption? Send it to me for review!
    Planning a series of stories? Let me take a look!
    I’ll be your second set of eyes to ensure there are no spelling/grammar mistakes!

  • Hire me to be the second set of eyes on your latest presentation, newsletter or blog!

  • Contact me for a free consultation and a review of your website. It may be that your website looks great! So if I see less than 10 issues/errors, I won’t charge you! But if I see spelling/grammar issues and an opportunity for improvement, I will provide you with a quote for a full edit.

First impressions matter

I get it! You work day and night on your content. It’s what you live and breathe, so it’s easy to overlook errors and forget details.

I can help!

I can be that extra set of eyes to point out any errors as well as help with any gaps in information to ensure you are getting your message across.

I offer both editing and proofreading services

Curious about the services I offer? Click below to learn more!

“Check-mate Editing Services has gotten me through many nursing school assignments. Her attention to detail, commentary on content placement and transitions, and input on logical consistency throughout all my work helped me produce exceptional papers.”

— Sarmela R.

Contact me to chat!